In the Niagara area, sadly, many adolescents are not able to participate in extracurricular basketball-sport clubs due to the price and/or location. Niagara Apex will be operating within the surrounding Niagara area as well as the GTA and Thames Valley. .
Niagara Apex additionally strives to operate at a cost-friendlier rate in comparison to other surrounding sport clubs in the community allowing more opportunities for athletes.
Niagara Apex aims to provide youth opportunities to be actively engaged in a sports club, improve basketball skills, develop lifelong habits for good health and learn essential life skills through sport.
Discipline is doing what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done, and doing it that way all the time.
Adversity: it can break you or make you if you let it, the choice is yours
Grow: Continue to challenge yourself. Our mistakes should be our teacher, not our undertaker.
To be recognized as Canada's leader in inclusive sport development.